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Create a server

cloudcli server create

Create a server


Create a server

It's recommended to use our server configuration interface at Comming Soon... to get ready to use cloudcli command arguments with valid configuration options and identifiers according to your selection.

cloudcli server create [flags]


      --interactive                 Create server in interactive mode
--name string Server name (a-zA-Z0-9()_-). (must be at least 4 characters long, mandatory)
--datacenter string Server datacenter (EU, US-NY2, AS.. see server options subcommand). (mandatory)
--image string Server image name or image ID (see server options subcommand). (mandatory)
--cpu string CPU count and type. (optional, default: 1B) (default "1B")
--ram string Size of server ram in MiB. (optional, default: 1024) (default "1024")
--disk stringArray Configure Persistent Disks, Up to 4 disks allowed. (at least 1 is mandatory)
--disk id=ID,size=SIZE --disk <DISK2>..
ID: first disk # is 0. (optional, default is auto-incremented starting from 0)
SIZE: in GiB. (optional, defaults to one 20GB disk) (default ["id=0,size=20"])
--network stringArray Configure networking, up to 4 networks allowed. (at least 1 is mandatory)
--network id=ID,name=NAME,ip=IP --network <NETWORK2>..
ID: first network # is 0. (optional, default is auto-incremented starting from 0)
NAME: Set the network VLAN name, set 'wan' for wan interface, otherwise, set the name of an existing lan. (mandatory)
IP: Set the IP address of the server’s network interface. Set 'auto' for auto allocation. (mandatory) (default ["id=0,name=wan,ip=auto"])
--password string Server password (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !@#$^&*()~). (must be 10-20 characters long with at least 1 capital letter, 1 small letter and 1 digit, mandatory)
--dailybackup string Set Daily Backup (yes | no). (optional, default: no) (default "no")
--managed string Set Managed Hosting Services (yes | no). (optional, default: no) (default "no")
--quantity string Number of servers to create, up to 50 servers. (optional, default: 1) (default "1")
--billingcycle string Servers' Billing Cycle. (hourly | monthly) (optional, default: hourly) (default "hourly")
--monthlypackage string Monthly billing cycle package (see server options subcommand). (required for monthly billing cycle) (default "t5000")
--poweronaftercreate string Power on server after server created. (optional, default: yes) (default "yes")
--wait Wait for command execution to finish only then exit cli.
--ssh-key string Path to public SSH key file, adds to server authorized keys
--script-file string Path to script file to run on server startup, Bash script for Linux/FreeBSD servers, Powershell for Windows
--userdata-file string Path to user data file
--tag stringArray Set server tags:
--tag TAG1 --tag TAG2 ..
-h, --help help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-clientid string   API Client ID
--api-secret string API Secret
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.cloudcli.yaml)
--debug enable debug output to stderr
--dryrun enable dry run mode, does not perform actions
--format string output format, default format is a human readable summary
--no-config disable loading from config file