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Change server configuration

cloudcli server configure

Change server configuration


Change server configuration

cloudcli server configure [flags]


      --billingcycle string     Server billing cycle (hourly | monthly)
--cpu string CPU count and type (see server options)
--dailybackup string Enable or disable daily backup (yes | no)
-h, --help help for configure
--id string Specific server UUID
--managed string Enable or disable managed hosting services (yes | no)
--monthlypackage string Required when billingcycle is monthly, run without this flag to get the available options
--name string Server name or regular expression matching a single server
--ram string Size of server ram in MiB (see server options)
--wait Wait for command execution to finish only then exit cli.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-clientid string   API Client ID
--api-secret string API Secret
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.cloudcli.yaml)
--debug enable debug output to stderr
--dryrun enable dry run mode, does not perform actions
--format string output format, default format is a human readable summary
--no-config disable loading from config file