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cloudcli server clone

Clone an existing server using the cloudcli tool.


The clone command allows you to create a new server by cloning an existing one. For ease of use, it's recommended to use our server configuration interface at Server Configuration Interface to generate ready-to-use cloudcli command arguments with valid configuration options and identifiers according to your selection.


cloudcli server clone [flags]


      --source-id string            Source server ID to clone
--source-name string Source server name or regular expression matching a single server to clone
--name string Server name (a-zA-Z0-9()_-). Must be at least 4 characters long (mandatory)
--cpu string CPU count and type (optional, defaults to source server)
--ram string Size of server RAM in MiB (optional, defaults to source server)
--disk stringArray Configure Persistent Disks, up to 4 disks allowed (optional, overrides all source server disks)
Format: --disk id=ID,size=SIZE --disk <DISK2>..
ID: Disk number starting from 0 (default is auto-incremented starting from 0)
SIZE: Size in GiB (defaults to one 20GB disk)
--network stringArray Configure networking, up to 4 networks allowed (optional, overrides all source server networks)
Format: --network id=ID,name=NAME,ip=IP --network <NETWORK2>..
ID: Network number starting from 0 (default is auto-incremented starting from 0)
NAME: Network VLAN name ('wan' for WAN interface, or name of an existing LAN)
IP: IP address of the server’s network interface ('auto' for auto allocation)
--password string Server password (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !@#$^&*()~). Must be 10-20 characters long with at least 1 capital letter, 1 small letter, and 1 digit (mandatory)
--dailybackup string Set Daily Backup (yes | no) (optional, defaults to source server)
--managed string Set Managed Hosting Services (yes | no) (optional, defaults to source server)
--quantity string Number of servers to create, up to 50 servers (optional, defaults to source server)
--billingcycle string Servers' Billing Cycle (hourly | monthly) (optional, defaults to source server)
--monthlypackage string Monthly billing cycle package (see server options subcommand) (optional in monthly billing cycle, defaults to source server)
--poweronaftercreate string Power on server after creation (default: yes) (not copied from source server)
--wait Wait for command execution to finish before exiting CLI
--ssh-key string Path to public SSH key file, adds to server authorized keys (not copied from source server)
--script-file string Path to script file to run on server startup (Bash script for Linux/FreeBSD servers, Powershell for Windows) (not copied from source server)
--userdata-file string Path to user data file (not copied from source server)
--tag stringArray Set server tags:
Format: --tag TAG1 --tag TAG2 ..
(not copied from source server)
-h, --help Show help for the clone command

Options Inherited from Parent Commands

These options can be used with the clone command as well:

      --api-clientid string   API Client ID
--api-secret string API Secret
--config string Config file (default is $HOME/.cloudcli.yaml)
--debug Enable debug output to stderr
--dryrun Enable dry run mode, does not perform actions
--format string Output format, default is a human-readable summary
--no-config Disable loading from config file